currently trying a script that allows the user to completely bypass the 72hours time limit for megavid. hope it works
check this out
[edit] well i guess it works video is loading fun and not that much annoying anymore
Well you win some, you lose some.
But there are games you can never lose
Enjoy =) i first heard his voice, i knew this kinda things would happen someday
well enjoy all justin Gayver haters
Titanic sunk by...
Friday is D night for watching movies.
Just grab a laptop and tada!
maximum time wastage is done.
Kickass is a AWESOME movie
why didn't anybody watch it man?
Its about a normal guy
which is not a geek,not good at sport and varies other stuff
One day he thought of something "hey! why not be a superhero?"
and Thus his advantures begins.
Big daddy


"I'm kick-ass!"

Superheros always win don't they?